
Spatial heterogeneity and interaction effect of urban blue and green spaces on housing prices

    Huilin Chen Affiliation
    ; Lihui Hu Affiliation
    ; Ziyi Liu Affiliation
    ; Bo Chen Affiliation


Rapid urbanization presents policymakers and planners with the challenge of balancing public open spaces design with the conservation and improvement of natural resources. A comprehensive understanding of the land economic value of urban blue-green spaces (UBGS) holds immense significance for urban sustainable development, urban spatial justice and the promotion of human well-being. In this study, the MGWR model is employed to discuss the heterogeneous effects of UBGS on housing prices in Hangzhou. Additionally, the interaction effect between blue space and green space was examined at the district level, and the specific locations and spatial patterns were identified. The results show that (1) different types, features and accessibility of UBGS have different degrees and spatial scale of effect on housing prices, and will be affected by other attributes of UBGS; (2) in 30.92% of the main urban area of Hangzhou, the effect of blue spaces and green spaces on housing prices exhibits an interactive effect. The spatial patterns are divided into blue-green positive synergistic, antagonistic and negative synergistic regions; (3) green space has positive and negative effects on housing prices, while blue space has positive effects on housing prices at the regional level. The existence of water bodies can promote the positive effect of green spaces on housing prices or alleviate the negative effect. The results indicate that planners must transcend the singular focus on blue or green space planning and instead consider both in an integrated manner. This outcome can provide valuable references for UBGS planning.

Keyword : urban blue-green spaces, MGWR, hedonic price model, housing prices, interaction effect, urban planning

How to Cite
Chen, H., Hu, L., Liu, Z., & Chen, B. (2024). Spatial heterogeneity and interaction effect of urban blue and green spaces on housing prices. International Journal of Strategic Property Management, 28(5), 302–319.
Published in Issue
Oct 17, 2024
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