
An RFID model for improving workers’ safety at the seaport in transitional environment

    Sanja Bauk Affiliation
    ; Anke Schmeink Affiliation
    ; Joan Colomer Affiliation


The paper proposes a Radio Frequency IDentification (RFID) model for enhancing port workers’ safety with reference to the Port of Bar (Montenegro) as a developing seaport operating in a transitional environment. The paper also highlights the lack of appropriate Information and Communication Technology (ICT) solutions in some developing seaports, including safety-related ones. It emphasizes the importance of safety measures through the prism of reducing the number of accidents, and gives a review of some RFID safety solutions in the harsh environments. The main part of the paper deals with the RFID worker’s safety model proposed according to the Port of Bar’s individual needs. The model has been presented at a logic level, while some of the physical and link layers performances between the set of an active and several passive RFID devices embedded to the port workers’ Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and the Ultra High Frequency (UHF) RFID readers located at the port perimeter, are simulated in Matlab and OMNeT++. The obtained results followed by discussions can be used as landmarks to the ports’ management in adapting this or a similar model for enhancing safety measures in the port and its promoting as a safety one at the maritime market.

First published online 24 October 2016

Keyword : seaport, workers’ safety, RFID, PPE, model

How to Cite
Bauk, S., Schmeink, A., & Colomer, J. (2018). An RFID model for improving workers’ safety at the seaport in transitional environment. Transport, 33(2), 353–363.
Published in Issue
Jan 26, 2018
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