Location of speed control cameras on highways: a geospatial analysis
This research proposes a methodology to identify critical sections of highways where the location of speeding control may be beneficial. The method relies on a spatial and statistical analysis of infrastructure risks, along with traffic accident frequency and severity. A relevant feature of this methodology is related to its potential to be used in areas where there are no detailed historical records about traffic crashes, which is common in Global South countries. We applied the methodology to a rural road network in Colombia, where a recent law established that technical criteria should support the location of speed cameras. The case study uses accident information from six years, and risk data from a road safety audit carried out in the area under study. Even though historical records of accidents in the area were not fully available, the methodology allowed prioritising speed camera installations in the zone and identifying the relevant variables to define camera location. The relevant variables were the geometric characteristics of the road, traffic flows, risk factors, and proximity to populated centres. The use of speed controls should be part of a road safety management system, which allows defining camera location according to robust technical criteria.
Keyword : speeding control cameras, traffic crashes, statistical analysis, kernel density, highway safety, road safety

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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