Early detection of vessel collision situations in a vessel traffic services area
This study presents enhanced collision detection model in a Vessel Traffic Services (VTS) area. The proposed detection method of collision situations is based on the assumption that VTS station is provided with passage plans of all the vessels in a monitored area. By using an early detection model for prediction of possible collision situations, VTS stations could switch from the area-monitoring concept to the passage-monitoring system. An early detection model of collision risks in a VTS area uses vessels’ dynamic characteristics as inputs (vessels’ position, course over ground and speed), and delivers prediction of their future positions as output. In order to achieve the desired accuracy, the model takes into the account the intended course alterations and the impending environmental loads. The model is able to provide the outputs as early as the passage plans are submitted to a VTS monitored area. Hence, when discussing model’s capability for early detection of collision situations, improved VTS operating standards could be developed in order to achieve safer passages through enhanced collision avoidance strategies. Simulation results clearly show the advantages of the proposed model as a decision support tool for a VTS operator when combining passage plans with the analysis of environmental loads.
First published online 18 November 2019
Keyword : vessel, passage plan, VTS, collision early detection, collision avoidance, position prediction

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