A novel TODIM based on prospect theory to select green supplier with q-rung orthopair fuzzy set
Green supply chain has developed rapidly due to the advocacy of ecological civilization, and choosing a proper green supplier is a crucial issue. Considering the fuzziness of evaluation information and the psychological states of decision makers (DMs) in selecting process, a novel TODIM based on prospect theory with q-rung orthopair fuzzy set (q-ROFS) is proposed. The novel TODIM concerns both the perceived transformed probability weighting function and the differences in risk attitudes. A new distance, which concerns the herd mentality, is carried out to measure the perceived difference of the q-ROFS. Besides, a new systematic evaluation index system, named as PCEM (Product, Cooperation ability, Environment, Market), has been established. A case related to pork supplier companies is presented and fully demonstrates the effectiveness of the novel TODIM when compared with the extended one, the intuitionistic fuzzy TODIM, the Pythagorean fuzzy TODIM as well as the TOPSIS with q-ROFS. Finally, a series of comparative analyses illustrate the advantages of the proposed TODIM.
First published online 4 September 2020
Keyword : TODIM, prospect theory, q-rung orthopair fuzzy set, green supplier selection

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