Corrigendum: Integrative potential of Central European metropolises with a special focus on the Visegrad countries
Martin Šauer, Vilém Pařil, Milan Viturka, authors of the article “Integrative potential of Central European metropolises with a special focus on the Visegrad countries”, published in Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 25(2), 219-238, inform that order of names and surnames appeared reversed and would like to make the following correction in the authorship as follows:
Martin Šauer, Vilém Pařil, Milan Viturka.
The authors regret the error.
Keyword : corrigendum
How to Cite
Šauer, M., Pařil, V., & Viturka, M. (2019). Corrigendum: Integrative potential of Central European metropolises with a special focus on the Visegrad countries. Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 25(2).

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