
International socially responsible investment funds


The study deals with socially responsible investment funds as the type of investment funds universe. European and USA market for socially responsible investment funds is presented. The dynamics of assets under the management and number of these funds in the market are considered. The approaches for socially responsible investments are studied and reasons for increased interest in such investments are named. The main reasons why the global socially responsible funds become more and more popular are: an increase of interest of community in socially responsible companies, in problems regarding climate and environment changes, in government attitude towards alternative energy and investments of private and public pension funds.

Article in Lithuanian.

Tarptautiniai socialiai atsakingi investiciniai fondai

Anotacija. Nagrinėjami tarptautiniai socialiai atsakingi investiciniai fondai. Įvertinama jų svarba Europos ir JAV rinkoje, valdomo turto ir investicinių fondų skaičiaus kaita ilguoju laikotarpiu. Aptariami socialiai atsakingų investicijų fondų investicijų valdymo principai. Įvardijamos priežastys, kodėl didėja susidomėjimas tokiais investiciniais fondais.

Reikšminiai žodžiai: socialiai atsakingas, investicinis fondas, investicija, akcija, investuotojas.

Keyword : socially responsible investment funds, investment, shares, investor

How to Cite
Plakys, M. (2011). International socially responsible investment funds. Mokslas – Lietuvos Ateitis / Science – Future of Lithuania, 1(3), 56-60.
Published in Issue
Apr 11, 2011
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