
Opportunities in clean energy equity markets: the compelling case for nuclear energy investments

    Cristiana Tudor Affiliation


This study analyzes the post-pandemic dynamics and investment potential of diverse clean energy equities, including solar, wind, nuclear, and other renewable assets, highlighting nuanced differences and investment opportunities within this critical sector. The analysis reveals that nuclear energy portfolios (NLR) exhibit notable resilience, sustaining growth amidst significant market volatility. Within the mean-variance portfolio optimization (MVO) framework, this study identifies strategic investments that balance risk and return, underscoring NLR’s role as a stabilizing force and return enhancer, as evidenced by its predominant allocation in both Minimum Variance and Tangency Portfolios. Employing advanced stochastic modeling and simulation techniques, the research uses a uniform distribution to generate random portfolio weights, ensuring comprehensive and unbiased exploration of the feasible solution space, thereby enhancing the robustness of the portfolio optimization process. The findings also illustrate the diversification merits of integrating clean energy equities into broader portfolios comprising traditional stocks and bonds, with nuclear-focused equity significantly enhancing the efficient frontier. Results underscore the superiority of the nuclear energy exchange-traded fund (ETF) both as a standalone investment and as a crucial component of diversified portfolios, highlighting its contribution to investment performance and risk management. This approach offers insights for investors and policymakers navigating the intersection of finance, sustainability, and economic growth post-pandemic.

Keyword : clean energy equity markets, stochastic modelling, mean-variance optimization, drawdown, Monte Carlo simulation, optimization algorithms, diversification, Sharpe ratio

How to Cite
Tudor, C. (2024). Opportunities in clean energy equity markets: the compelling case for nuclear energy investments. Journal of Business Economics and Management, 25(5), 960–980.
Published in Issue
Oct 16, 2024
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