
An approach to the understanding of sports civil organizations’ activity and management in Hungary

    Sándor Kovács Affiliation
    ; Éva Bácsné Bába   Affiliation
    ; Zoltán Bács Affiliation
    ; Károly Pető Affiliation
    ; Veronika Fenyves Affiliation
    ; Kushtrim Vllasaj Affiliation
    ; András Helmeczi Affiliation
    ; György Norbert Szabados Affiliation


Sports civic organizations are essential for Hungarian society, especially for young people’s lives, constituting a crucial part of the corpus of civil society organizations. The performance and output of these were rarely examined; still, activity forms of an organization and their managerial practice may equally result in failure and success. By applying a survey questionnaire, this study provided an in-depth picture and an analysis of the six crucial dimensions of their functioning: Public Activity, Employment, Human Resources, Professional Activity, State Aid and Funding, and Social Influence. Apart from the contribution that this study gave to recognize a particular type of civil society organizations, i.e., the sports one, its significance lay mainly in the connection of the crucial attributes/dimensions of organization and functioning.

Keyword : sports, civil organizations, public, professional, HR, funding, influence

How to Cite
Kovács, S., Bácsné Bába, Éva, Bács, Z., Pető, K., Fenyves, V., Vllasaj, K., Helmeczi, A., & Szabados, G. N. (2022). An approach to the understanding of sports civil organizations’ activity and management in Hungary. Journal of Business Economics and Management, 23(2), 343–363.
Published in Issue
Feb 9, 2022
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