
Iracionalumo apraiškos XX a. užsienio ir Lietuvos architektūroje

    Algimantas M. Mačiulis Affiliation


Irrationality in global and Lithuanian architecture of the 20th century

The paper analyses irrationality as an expression of modern architecture, overviews the concept of irrational architecture. Various art and philosophical trends, that influenced the development of architecture in the 20th century, are analysed. Influences of global and Lithuanian analogues of irrational architecture on the development of architectural styles are presented. Since the concept of irrational architecture hasn’t been widely analysed, the paper suggests several approaches of analysis of irrational forms in architecture. The author arrives at the following conclusions:
– Irrationality is an opposite expression of rationality, pragmatism, posityvism, technicist morphology. It’s based on deconstruction, indetermination, roughness, dramatic expression, etc.
– The effect of irrationality can be obtained by two ways: using decorations, ornaments, polichromy, and using deformations of forms and constructions.
– Irrational trends in architecture are caused by several factors. Philosophical trends such as reliatyvism, irrationalism, intuityvism, psychoanalysis, deconstructyvism, and art trends such as cubism, symbolism, expressionism, art deco, surrealism, etc.
– Irrational trends in global and Lithuanian architecture of the 20th century can be noticed in art nouveau, art deco, organic, late modern, postmodern, deconstructyvist architectural styles.

Article in Lithuanian.

Santrauka. Straipsnyje analizuojamas iracionalumas kaip šiuolaikinės architektūros meninės išraiškos forma, aptariama iracionalumo sąvoka architektūros mene. Taip pat charakterizuojamos sociokultūrinės prielaidos, filosofinės, meno srovės, dariusios įtaką iracionalumo požymiams architektūroje. Nagrinėjami pasauliniai ir Lietuvos iracionaliosios architektūros analogai, apžvelgiamos iracionalumo apraiškos stilistinėje architektūros raidoje.

Reikšminiai žodžiai: iracionalumas, racionalumas, dekoratyvumas, plastiškumas, skulptūrinė forma, daugiasluoksniškumas, daugiaplaniškumas.

First Published Online: 22 May 2013

Keyword : rationality, irrationality, decorative, plastic, sculptural form, multilayer

How to Cite
M. Mačiulis, A. (2010). Iracionalumo apraiškos XX a. užsienio ir Lietuvos architektūroje. Journal of Architecture and Urbanism, 34(3), 151-160.
Published in Issue
Sep 30, 2010
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