
The effect of the number of inputs on the spatial interpolation of elevation data using IDW and ANNs

    Sara Respati   Affiliation
    ; Totok Sulistyo   Affiliation


Spatial interpolation is a required method to generate a continuous surface such as Digital Elevation Model (DEM) because field investigation for most of the surface’s part is time-consuming with a high demand in both human resources and monetory cost. One of the most used deterministic interpolation models is Inverse Distance Weighting (IDW) model. The model takes several neighbors’ information, and the weights are constructed based on the distance between the interpolated point and the neighbors’ points. From the machine learning model, Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) model has also been used for spatial interpolation. The input of ANNs model is also one of the parameters that need to be defined when building the model. This paper evaluated the effect of the number of inputs (neighbors) on the elevation interpolation accuracy. We applied IDW and ANNs to interpolate the elevation of Balikpapan City, Indonesia. The results show that the accuracy increases significantly when the number of inputs is between one and three. However, after three inputs, additional input would not change the accuracy significantly. ANNs performed better than IDW. For three or more inputs, the MAE of ANNs and IDW interpolations are below 1.1 and around 2 meters, respectively.

Keyword : artificial neural network, digital elevation model, elevation interpolation, interpolation, inverse distance weighting, spatial interpolation

How to Cite
Respati, S., & Sulistyo, T. (2023). The effect of the number of inputs on the spatial interpolation of elevation data using IDW and ANNs. Geodesy and Cartography, 49(1), 60–65.
Published in Issue
Mar 21, 2023
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