
Possibilities of neuroscience application in housing development

    Andrej Naumcik Affiliation


The identification of the best housing alternatives is influenced by a wide variety of factors, including supply, demand, social, cultural, psychological, personal factors. All of these factors have an effect on the behavior and emotional state of a home buyer. What are the most effective ways to choose a home when there is a plethora of complex choices? To determine the most effective choice, neuroscience techniques can be used. These techniques are classified in the following main groups in the article: 1) momentary techniques for measuring changes in electronic neuronal activity, 2) techniques for measuring changes in metabolic neuronal activity, 3) techniques for measuring changes in psychological response to a stimulus. Article’s analysis, its identification of advantages and disadvantages of the techniques, representing these groups: electroencephalography, functional magnetic resonance imaging, functional semi-infrared spectroscopy, eye capture, and galvanic skin reactions, has revealed the potential of using latter techniques in making marketing decisions, while working with target audiences of different ages, life experiences, character traits who want to live where they feel best.

Keyword : developed environment, housing, buildings, neuroscience, electroencephalography, eye capture

How to Cite
Naumcik, A. (2020). Possibilities of neuroscience application in housing development. Engineering Structures and Technologies, 12(1), 15-24.
Published in Issue
Sep 9, 2020
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