
A study on mechanical properties and structure of anhydrite binder modified by ultra-dispersed siltstone

    Yury Tokarev   Affiliation
    ; Grigory Yakovlev Affiliation
    ; Zarina Saidova Affiliation
    ; Valery Grakhov Affiliation
    ; Alexander Buryanov Affiliation
    ; Ali Elsaed Mohamed Mohamed Elrefai Affiliation


This research is devoted to modification of physical and mechanical properties and structure of a binder based on natural anhydrite. A sedimentary rock siltstone was added into the composition as a mineral ultrafine additive. The presence of aluminosilicate minerals proves that finely ground siltstone can be used as a mineral additive in the composition of the anhydrite binder, accelerating crystallization of gypsum new formations and densifying the structure of gypsum stone. For the first time, the effectiveness of using sodium and ammonium phosphates as hardening activators of an anhydrite binder was shown. Siltstone, added to the composition in the amount from 0 to 5%, lead to up to 40% increase in strength, which is due to the action of siltstone particles as “crystallization centers” and formation of crystalline hydrates of calcium sulfate dihydrate on their surface. Combined action of calcined siltstone and lime leads to a 45% increase in strength due to the additional compaction by new hydration products formed in the course of metakaolin and lime interaction. Microstructural analysis showed that samples with calcined siltstone and lime have a more dense and uniform structure with a lower porosity, compared to those with only natural siltstone.

First published online 03 February 2020

Keyword : anhydrite, mechanical tests, differential scanning calorimetry, IR spectral analysis, microstructure

How to Cite
Tokarev, Y., Yakovlev, G., Saidova, Z., Grakhov, V., Buryanov, A., & Elrefai, A. E. M. M. (2019). A study on mechanical properties and structure of anhydrite binder modified by ultra-dispersed siltstone. Engineering Structures and Technologies, 11(3), 78-86.
Published in Issue
Dec 31, 2019
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