
Self-employment of foreigners as an innovative solution on the labor market in the European Union

    Valentinas Navickas   Affiliation
    ; Eva Grmanová Affiliation
    ; Waldemar Gajda Affiliation


The main aim of this article is to identify certain specificity in self-employment of foreigners in EU countries and to find out whether the differences in self-employment of foreigners between countries are diminishing. Within the main objective, we have set two sub-objectives. The first sub-objective is to compare EU countries on the basis of the following indicators: 1/ number of self-employed foreigners and 2/ share of self-employed foreigners in employed persons from foreign countries. The second sub-objective is to determine whether EU countries converge in the number of the share of self-employed foreigners in the number of employed persons from foreign countries. We have confirmed that the countries have a tendency to convergence in regard to the share of self-employed foreigners in employed persons from foreign countries.  We assume that this tendency can also be due to the pressure of the labour market that shows a lack of labour force.  The share of self-employed migrants is relatively high in Eastern Europe. On the other hand, their increase is below average compared to the EU. 

Keyword : migration, self-employment, foreigners, immigrants, beta-convergence, correlation diagram, European Union

How to Cite
Navickas, V., Grmanová, E., & Gajda, W. (2020). Self-employment of foreigners as an innovative solution on the labor market in the European Union. Business: Theory and Practice, 21(1), 178-183.
Published in Issue
Mar 6, 2020
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