The advantages of a hybrid piston prop aircraft
The aim of this work is to present the design of a more environmental friendly aircraft that complies with existent and future emission regulations. Recent Market Outlooks were examined and a single engine piston prop was selected as a case study. Matching Charts were used to estimate the hybridization degree, meaning the ratio between the power provided by the electric motors and the total amount of power. This method allowed the over-boost advantage to be highlighted and pointed out secondary benefits of a hybrid Piston Prop. Furthermore, the zero-emission taxi possibility was evaluated. Both fuel savings forecast and safety analysis were performed, showing secondary advantages of a high hybridization degree for a single engine Piston Prop configuration. Furthermore, the additional weight related to electric motors and storage system is taken into account and state-of-the-art and innovative under-development technologies are considered. Thus, the conceptual design phase will produce many possible architectures; therefore, the last part of the work consists of a trade study necessary to select the optimal solution to design an innovative hybrid Piston Prop aircraft.
Keyword : hybrid propulsion system, preliminary system sizing, green taxi, safety, piston prop aircraft, storage system sizing

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