Comparative efficiency testing of a composite hydraulic cylinder
The paper points to the increasing use of composite materials in hydraulic components. This entails many benefits, such as weight reduction which is particularly important in aviation. However, new problems arise with the use of new materials. With regard to a hydraulic actuator whose cylinder is made of a composite material, one of the issues is ensuring adequate efficiency, comparable to that of a steel cylinder. The efficiency of a hydraulic actuator is related to friction processes in the structural nodes and to leaks in the cylinder. This paper presents the original results of volumetric, hydraulic-mechanical and total efficiency tests of three designs differing in the material used as a liner of a cylinder. The materials considered as liner were CFRP composite, polyurethane F180. In addition, a steel liner was considered as a reference. Variations in actuator efficiency depending on the liner used were indicated.
Keyword : lightweight hydraulic, cylinder, composite materials, efficiency, aviation, aircraft hydraulic drives

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