
Using eye tracking system for aircraft design – a flight simulator study


The authors of this paper investigated applications of eye tracking in transport aircraft design evaluations. Piloted simulations were conducted for a complete flight profile including take-off, cruise and landing flight scenario using the transport aircraft flight simulator at CSIR-National Aerospace Laboratories. Thirty-one simulation experiments were carried out with three pilots/engineers while recording the ocular parameters and the flight data. Simulations were repeated for high workload conditions like flying with degraded visibility and during stall. Pilot’s visual scan behaviour and workload levels were analysed using ocular parameters; while comparing with the statistical deviations from the desired flight path. Conditions for fatigue were also recreated through long duration simulations and signatures for the same from the ocular parameters were assessed. Results from the study found correlation between the statistical inferences obtained from the ocular parameters with those obtained from the flight path deviations. The authors of this paper investigated an evaluator’s console that assists the designers or evaluators for better understanding of pilot’s attentional resource allocation.

Keyword : eye tracking, ocular parameters, visual scan, fatigue, IR cameras, cockpit display

How to Cite
Hebbar, P. A., Pashilkar, A. A., & Biswas, P. (2022). Using eye tracking system for aircraft design – a flight simulator study. Aviation, 26(1), 11–21.
Published in Issue
Mar 22, 2022
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