RPAS communication channels based on WCDMA 3GPP standard
First built models of Remotely Piloted Air System (RPAS) communication channels based on Wideband Code Division Multiple Access (WCDMA) 3GPP Standard were designed. Base Station (BS) transmission within the Radio Line of Sight (RLoS) and through the satellite using Beyond Radio Line of Sight (BRLoS) was considered. The dependencies of the Bit Error Rate (BER) on the signal-noise ratio for different RPAS velocities and WCDMA сhannel models were obtained. The dependences of the BER on the signal-noise ratio for different levels of satellite transponder nonlinearity were studied. The dependence of the BER on the BS antenna diameter in case of the transponder nonlinearity was analysed. The dependencies for satellite channel characteristics, first obtained taking into account the motion of the RPAS, make it possible to predict the behavior of the communication system in critical conditions.
Keyword : RPAS, satellite links, WCDMA, data transmission, transmitter nonlinearity, RPAS speed

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