Efficiency of operational data processing for radio electronic equipment
The paper deals with the statistical data processing algorithms in operation system of radio electronic equipment. The main purpose is analysis of data processing algorithm efficiency according to the analytical calculations and simulation results. During radio electronic equipment operation failures are possible. These failures affect on the equipment’s technical condition that can deteriorate. In case of condition-based maintenance, it is necessary to detect the time moment of deterioration beginning. Therefore, in this paper the deterioration detection algorithm was developed according to Neyman-Pearson criterion with a fixed sample size. The initial data are times between failures of radio electronic equipment, and these data can be identified by the exponential probability density function. The step-function model was chosen for failure rate change description. To estimate efficiency the operating characteristic was calculated. The simulation based on Monte-Carlo method confirmed the correctness of theoretical calculations.
First published online 22 January 2020
Keyword : efficiency, statistical data processing, operation system, radio electronic equipment, changepoint, detection

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