
The influence of contaminated hydraulic fluid on the relative volume flow rate and the wear of rubbing parts of the aviation plunger pump


Still, there is the problem of the plunger pumps failures due to pollution of the working fluid with mechanical impurities in civil aviation. The article deals with experimental research the change of relative volume flow rate of plunger pump model NP-72M which depends on the working fluid purity. In particular, the negative effect of increasing the particle size of impurities (electrocorundum about 3 μm, 10 μm, 20 μm) and increasing particles concentration (about 25–150 mg/L) with the constant particle size on pump operation has presented. This has manifested in increased wear of rubbing parts and reduced the relative volume flow rate. A visual inspection of the pump parts has carried out, and the most damaged areas have identified.

Keyword : plunger pump, mechanical impurities, contaminated hydraulic fluid, relative volume flow rate, wear of rubbing parts

How to Cite
Brazhenko, V. (2019). The influence of contaminated hydraulic fluid on the relative volume flow rate and the wear of rubbing parts of the aviation plunger pump. Aviation, 23(2), 43-47.
Published in Issue
May 27, 2019
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